The Giving Rack
You shop. We give.
We believe that every woman deserves a killer wardrobe, regardless of finances or life situation. That's why we created The Giving Rack program.
We manifest our Giving Rack program in several ways.
Through free personal styling sessions for local, deserving women who could use a blessing. Women are gifted their items for free and receive the same memorable styling experience we offer our customers.
Through donations to local fundraising events for a variety of charities. For example, we asked our customers to donate any amount to Lowcountry Oprhan Relief in return for a free child's t-shirt. In addition, we donated over 30 children's tees to the charity just in time for back to school.
We partner with local non-profit organizations and schools, to give back in a variety of ways. If you know of a woman or a group that could benefit from The Giving Rack, please let us know!